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The Ultimate Faith Planner Printable

I am incredibly proud and excited to share my new product with you – the Ultimate Faith Planner. I have been working on products to help women live a life of joy, health and happiness, and through this, I have many simple and affordable products to help you on your journey of the good life.

This busy modern world can have us wrapped up in chasing dreams, goals and material things, and it can get overwhelming in the search for true joy and good health. What I know for sure is, we all can do better with a bit of help and a lot of love to guide us back to our inner core.

I certainly have been on a journey over a number of years, and I am definitely not there yet, and the reality is we never will be as there is no “end to there”. If you are on a journey of growth, personal development, healing, seeking answers or simply need guidance to process this journey of life, then I might have a little tool to help in your day-to-day life.

ultimate faith planner printables

Life is Not Perfect

What I’ve found over these last few years of sorting my messy life out is – it’s actually quite simple to live a good life. We are pretty good at over-complicating things. Do you feel the same way?

I’ll tell you now, I’m not perfect and I’m slowly but surely learning to let go of perfectionism. The way our modern culture has been set up sure does enhance the desire to be perfect. The perfect mum. Perfect wife. Perfect body. Perfect health. Perfect home. Perfect business. Perfect bank balance. Perfect garden. Perfect hair. Perfect face. Perfect relationship. Perfect man. Perfect children. Perfect meals. Perfect, perfect, perfect…. arghhhhh!!!!!


I choose to play a different game. Wanna join me?

I call this game: the game of REAL life.

ultimate faith planner

What is the Ultimate Faith Planner?

The Ultimate Faith Planner has been created to help you with building faith in yourself, in others, in life and in God. It is a simple printable planner that you can use daily to have guidance, accountability and support as you work on and maintain a life connected to joy and faith.

You do not need to be religious in order to believe in God or use this faith planner. Yes, there are references to the Bible, but you do not need to be a Christian. So before you think it’s not for you and write it off, bear with me a moment.

Why is the Ultimate Faith Planner important?

The Ultimate Faith Planner is a fantastic tool to help with your way of thinking. Do you need to be positive? Build hope? Increase love and joy?

Allowing ourselves to connect with God through prayer, the Bible, inspirational words and other faith-based resources can help to create an enriched wholesome life filled with positive thinking, faith, belief and joy.

One thing that has helped me immensely over the last few years is connecting with God. The word God will mean many things to different people and it may make your toes curl even hearing t.h.a.t. word. Let me tell you this, whether you call it God, the universe, the creator, the divine, or the almighty, it’s all the same thing.

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Hello God

Personally, I believe God is so much more than a man in the sky. There is so much power above and beyond the creatures, the planets, the galaxies, and the universe, that my mind can’t comprehend the vast wealth of creation beyond us humans and animals, yet we are all here doing our best to make sense of it all and actually enjoy this thing called life.

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable with the idea of God and still want to connect with God. Since building my relationship with God and healing my faith and belief, I’ve found so much strength in myself, being a mum, and managing the beautiful chaos of daily life.

Sometimes it takes doing the uncomfortable that leads to great things.

What I have found is that faith is a powerfully strong decision to make with anything. And I mean anything in life.

Building faith can help to overcome obstacles, struggles and problems no matter the size. I’ve experienced tremendous results by simply adopting faith.

Where to begin with faith?

It can be quite overwhelming to build faith, especially if the idea of God is new to you. That’s why I created the Ultimate Faith Planner. I created it for those who need that extra guidance.

How to get started with the Ultimate Faith Planner

To get started with the Ultimate Faith Planner, you need to:

faith planner insert printable

Tips for success with the Faith Planner

My top three tips for success with the faith planner are:

Tip 1: Keep it simple

It can be all too easy to get excited about something new, go all in for two weeks, and then quit because results are not being seen instantly.

You’re going to need to have faith – hence the faith planner – to help you stick it out long term. Whatever the reason you want to build faith in yourself, once you’ve purchased the planner, keep it simple by doing one of the tasks at a time.

Please don’t feel pressured that you have to do all the pages within the first week. Simply start with one, for example, do the prayer list and work through that for a couple of weeks making it a habit, then add another task sheet after a few weeks.

Slow and steady my friend.

Tip 2: Slow and Steady

Take it slow and steady with the planner. Do not, and I repeat, do not set out to start all of the different worksheets straight away.

As mentioned above, pick one and build it into a habit by focusing on that for a few weeks, then introduce another worksheet. Focus on the long term rather than looking for instant results.

Building faith, and a strong solid base for faith to maintain, will take time. Depending on your current mindset on life it might take a long time to build a strong sense of faith, or it might be much shorter, either way, don’t rush the process.

You will be ok, I promise.

Tip 3: Pray Every Day

If you already pray every day, then that’s amazing, keep going. If you are yet to start praying or build a daily prayer practice, then well done for taking the steps to build a better practice.

Prayer is powerful. Like, wow, woah, major powerful.

Whether you believe in God or not, this is a fantastic place to start. If you want to believe in God then start here. You don’t need anything other than yourself. You can pray anytime, anywhere, in any situation.

Praying helps me tremendously as a mum, woman, homeschooler, dog mum, errr being a human on this beautiful God-gifted earth. Since I started praying I have felt and seen incredible results, sometimes I am blown away by how quickly my prayers are answered. And sometimes those prayers take foreverrrrr because life is life and we have to trust in God, and life and be patient.

Praying can help so much in a faith-based life. If you don’t know where to start, grab a copy of the Ultimate Faith Planner and make it a habit to pray every morning or night. You don’t need to kneel on the floor and close your eyes to pray, you can pray sitting, standing, lying down, eyes open or closed. Simply start a conversation with God and see where it leads you.

faith planner printables uk

Frequently Asked Questions

Need a quick answer, use the section below!

A faith planner is simply a tool you use to help you on your spiritual journey. It could be a printable or physical product.

I’ve created an Ultimate Faith Planner printable to make it an instant download, simple to use and you can print as many copies as you want.

You can use a faith planner for many uses, such as tracking the Bible chapters, as a gratitude journal, a prayer journal, scripture memorisation, and so much more!

Check out the Ultimate Faith Planner.

Prayer journals are a fantastic way to write your prayers, have words to prompt a prayer and pray for others in your life.

Yes absolutely! If it feels best for you at that moment to write your prayer then go ahead. I highly recommend saying your prayer out loud, but write your prayers too if it helps you.

Yes of course! Whatever way helps you to connect with God then go for it. Write to God, speak to God, think about God, it all helps in creating a life of faith.

Pray in whichever way works best for you in connecting with God. Personally, I pray out loud and prefer it that way as I am focused and able to connect better. If praying in silence works for you then go for it.

I’m going to recommend what was recommended to me and seems a rather popular recommendation – start with the Gospel. Start with the New Testament, books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. From there, then maybe start right at the beginning with the Old Testament.

Use the Bible chapter checklist to help you!

As I’m still in the early years of my faith journey I have one copy of the Bible and nothing to compare it to, however, it reads fantastic. I chose the English Standard Version (ESV) to make it easier to read.

I also love the Jesus Storybook Bible for my children. Easy to understand and beautiful illustrations.

ultimate faith planner printables uk

The last thing you need to know about the Ultimate Faith Planner

There are many ways to build faith and it’s amazing the number of resources available to you to help in your faith journey.

To simplify the process I created the Ultimate Faith Planner so you can stop searching and start taking action. Whether you want a faith journal, prayer journal, inspirational quotes or a Bible chapter checklist, I’ve got you covered!

If you really like this blog post and it was helpful for you please share it with your friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it and would love to hear what tips work best for you and how building faith is working in your life!

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